Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Neat – New Tips

Seal A Bag Without a Clip
Here’s something you can learn today. You can learn to seal a bag of chips with just your two hands. It looks easy. Watch…

And here’s a good way to peel a  boiled egg…


Now you can say you learned something today.

Tennessee Granddaddy Says:
I’ve known people who would have been a great success in life IF they had used the advice they had for other people.

Quote of the Day
If you do not raise your eyes you will think
that you are the highest point.
~Antonio Porchia

Joke of the Day

A Picture today that is both Funny and Sad. See if you see what I mean. A Computer Addict’s Tombstone.

addict Sad that someone was so tied up with something of this earth, that they were remembered this way. May we live for eternal things.

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1 comment:

Karen A. Cooke said...

Hi Jim,
Thanks for sharing those tips! I need to go buy some chips so that I can try that one......and remember to save some so that there will be something left to close up! Not real sure about the boiled egg one.......don't know that I want something blowing their germs all over my eggs! :) HA! Love ya! Karen