Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Wife’s Birthday

Tomorrow is the Day—January 30
As a husband there are some dates you should never forget. The two main dates are your wedding anniversary and your wife’s birthday. I don’t forget, after almost 50 years you learn.

I Love Beverly deeply & dearly. She’s my partner in life. Here’s a few of the reasons:

  1. She love God and puts Him first in her life.
  2. She reminds me of the virtuous woman in Proverbs.
  3. She supported me in my career.
  4. She loves me with all my faults
  5. She gave me a reason to live and love.
  6. She supported me when the going was tough.clip_image002
  7. She puts others before herself.
  8. She is a wonderful mother, who truly cares for the well being of our children and grand children.
  9. She makes retirement a wonderful experience.

She deserves a Very Happy Birthday tomorrow, and I’ll try to make sure she has a wonderful day.

Happy Birthday Beverly!

Tennessee Granddaddy Says:
The say age is all in the mind. You’re as young as you want to be. Sure, that sounds good, but how do you keep age from creeping down to your body?

Quotes of the Day
A bell is no bell 'til you ring it,
A song is no song 'til you sing it,
And love in your heart
Wasn’t put there to stay -
Love isn’t love
'Til you give it away.
~Oscar Hammerstein

Who, being loved, is poor? 
~Oscar Wilde

Joke of the Day

Some people Try to turn back their odometers. Not me! I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way And some of the roads weren't paved.


When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, Think of Algebra.


The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.


One of the many things no one tells you about aging Is that it is such a nice change From being young.

Ah, being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.

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