Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Birds

Chattering Away
We walked out in the yard a couple of days ago, and we could hear the birds. The were chattering away. Maybe talking to each other or perhaps trying to tell us to give them something to eat.

Beverly and I worked in the snow and I put chains on my walking cane to be safe. We filled our two primary bird feeders and put out 3 cakes of fresh suet. Now the birds are enjoying the fresh food.

We're seeing lots of Cardinals. They look so pretty and vibrant with their red color in contrast to the white snow. Here’s a few pictures I took on Thursday. It was snowing at the time…


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May we know how to appreciate and value the beauty of God’s creation, and care for it as good stewards.

Kevin’s Birthday Yesterday 
We had a birthday celebration yesterday for my son, Kevin. He turned 43, and that makes me feel a little older. Here’s a couple of pictures…

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Up above you see Kevin with his Mom and Dad.

To the left, Kevin is guarding the cake, ice cream and nuts. It was delicious.

Tennessee Granddaddy Says:
You don’t have to be a perfectionist.
Just doing your best is good enough.

Quote of the Day
A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience. 
~Miguel de Cervantes

Joke of the Day

In the doctors office two patients are talking "You know, I had an appendectomy last month and the doctor left a sponge in me by mistake"

"A sponge!" exclaims the other "And do you feel much pain"

"No pain at all", says the first, "but do I get thirsty!"

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