Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Winter Is Here!

The People of the North Know How to Enjoy Winter
I’m afraid us Southerners just don’t know how to enjoy winter. It seems we complain continuously about the cold and snowy weather.

But it seems the people of the North know something we don’t. They just live with it and enjoy it. Just look at this video about the Winter Carnival in  Québec, Canada. It looks like fun to me.

Peanut Brittle
Beverly and Sharon have been making more candy. Now this peanut brittle is good stuff! This recipe is special. It does not get hard and stick to your teeth. It’s easy to eat and tastes wonderfully great. You might like the recipe. It’s easy to make.

Peanut Brittle

Tennessee Granddaddy Says:
I enjoyed a thought from Benjamin Disraeli, a former British Prime Minister. He said “The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.”
May this be a season when we count our own blessings and not get caught up in the commercialization of Christmas.

Quote of the Day
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.
~Norman Vincent Peale
Joke of the Day

One morning in a posh hotel breakfast room, a guest called over the head waiter. "Good morning, sir! I'd like to order two boiled eggs, one of them so undercooked that it's runny, and the other so overcooked that it's tough. I also want some rubbery bacon, burnt toast, and butter that's so cold it's impossible to spread. Finally, I'll have a pot of extra-weak coffee, served at room temperature."

The bewildered waiter almost stuttered. "Sir! We cannot serve such an awful breakfast to you here!"

"Why not?" the guest replied. "That's what I got here yesterday!"

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John White said...

Hi Jim,

Enjoyed reading your blog this morning. Great jokes as usual & good video.

I am getting a good bit of interest in JFK50 but the other is not doing as well.

Any suggestions?


Dar said...

We DO know how to live with the elements. The Grandloves will be digging snowforts out of plowed piles of the white stuff, this weekend. We will be sledding and snowshoeing, having snowball fights from the forts and building snowmen and making snow angels. Come play with us.
BlessYourHeart and MerryChristmas