Monday, December 27, 2010

Last Week of The Year!

2010 is Almost History
It had to believe that this year has gone by so rapidly. But it has! We’ve had a good year, with lots of happy days with our family.

I’m thinking about New Year’s Resolutions. Are you? I haven’t fully made up my mind. There are some things I want to accomplish whether I call them resolutions or not. We all need to have aims or goals in our life. Things we need to do and get accomplished. They make our life have a purpose.

Holston Middle School Takes 2nd Place
My Granddaughter, Kara, is second from the right in this picture of the seventh grader team. They represented their school in the recent Franklin Math Bowl Team Competition at East Tennessee State University.

holston121310An amazing Team: With no sponsor, no classroom practice time, no experience and only one month of preparation this underdog team really accomplished the unbelievable by winning 2nd place!

Tennessee Granddaddy Says:
Truer words were never spoken: People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas.

Quote of the Day
One resolution I have made, and try always to keep, is this:  To rise above the little things.
~John Burroughs

Joke of the Day

A gentleman entered a busy florist shop that displayed a large sign that read “Say It with Flowers.”

“Wrap up one rose.” he told the florist.

“Only one?” the florist asked.

“Just one,” the customer replied

“I’m a man of few words.”


“I’ve never flown before, said the nervous old lady to the pilot. “You will bring me down safely, won’t you?

“All I can say ma’am,” said the pilot, “is that I’ve never left anyone up there yet!”

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1 comment:

John White said...

Hi Jim,

Congratulations to Kara on her math team's success. She obviously inherited her math skills from you. Great job, Kara.

Enjoyed your posting as usual.
