Saturday, February 13, 2010

National Geographic

Photography Unmatched
I have always like looking through the National Geographic magazines because of the beautiful photography, that often makes you look twice. Here’s a example…


I think those are zebras and their shadows. You can enjoy lots of interesting stories and photography online at the

National Geographic Website

Tennessee Granddaddy Says:
There’s an old  story about a native American Indian grandfather talking to his grandson. He told him he felt like he had two wolves fighting in his heart. One wolf is vengeful, angry, and violent. The other wolf is loving and compassionate. The grandson asked him which wolf will win the fight in his heart. The grandfather answered, “The one I feed.”

Be careful today.
Friday the 13th came on Saturday this month.

BeMyValentine Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day.
Don’t forget your Sweetheart.

Quote of the Day
Be not angry that you cannot make others
as you wish them to be, since you cannot
make yourself as you wish to be.
~Thomas à Kempis

Joke of the Day

Cards offering used textbooks for sale are posted on the college notice board at the beginning of each semester.

One read: "Introduction to Psychology, $8, never used." The card was signed, "Must sell Mel."

The next day a note had been added: "Good price. Are you sure it's never been used?" Signed, "Prospective buyer."

Below in a different hand was: "Positive!" Signed, "Professor who graded his exam."

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1 comment:

Dar said...

The zebra and their shadows is definitely a 'look twice'. It made me do a double-take. You continue to make me think and to laugh.
Do you ice fish?
God Bless