Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Old Times

When We Were Kids
Jim & Mary01 I was looking through some old photos that I had scanned a few years ago, and found one of my sister, Mary, and myself. (Only black and white photos in those days. Color photography had not been invented yet.)

Mary’s standing on the running board of one of the trucks my Dad used in his business, White Bros. Poultry & Egg Co. We didn’t have a car. The truck was our only means of transportation in those days. As I recall Dad bought our first family car in 1954, it was a brand new 1954 Ford. We were very happy to have a vehicle. I recall that in those days it was very popular to take a ride on Sunday afternoons. We would just drive around town and look at the sites. Sometimes we would drive to the Island Airport in Knoxville. It was the airport my Dad used when he had an airplane.

The good old days. Go back and look at some old photos and it will bring back lots of memories.

Tennessee Granddaddy Says:
Don’t ask God to direct your footsteps if you aren’t willing to move your feet!

Quote of the Day
A real patriot is the fellow who gets a parking ticket
and rejoices that the system works.
~Bill Vaughan
Joke of the Day

Why did the chicken cross the road?

  1. Chickens at rest tend to stay at rest. Chickens in motion tend to cross the road.
  2. Or:  It was pushed on the road by another chicken, which went away from the road.
  3. Or:  It was attracted to a chicken on the other side of the road.
  4. Or: It needed to go to the other side.
  5. Or: It wanted to prove to the possum that it really could be accomplished without being hit.


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Adirondackcountrygal said...

That is a nice photo, you should submit it to Reminisce Magazine!

Mandy said...

Love the photo of you and Aunt Mary! You were quite the looker back then! ;)

Karen A. Cooke said...

Both of you look great! I think I have seen that photo before. Love - your cuz! Karen