Monday, June 13, 2011

The Porcelain Unicorn

Prize Winner
Once in a while see a video you want to share with everyone……this is one of them. It is very short and worth the watch.

The renowned director/producer Ridley Scott launched a global filmmaker competition dubbed “Tell It Your Way” following its Cannes Lions award-winning short-film project “Parallel Lines.” The entrants were given freedom of expression and could take up any theme they wanted; still there were two strict rules—there had to be the exact six-line dialogue as it was in the Parallel Lines films, plus the entries could last no longer than three minutes.

Here’s the prize-winning entry in the “Tell It Your Way” competition. On YouTube below on click here:


Tennessee Granddaddy Says:
Do something kind today.
Give everyone a big smile, too.
But be careful today,
because Friday the 13th
came on Monday this Month!

Quote of the Day
Let us be of good cheer, remembering
that the misfortunes hardest to bear are
those which will never happen.
~James Russel Lowell

Joke of the Day


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1 comment:

Sara's aunt said...

Thank you so much for posting the Porcelain Unicorn. It is sensitive, moving and beautiful. My heart is crying.