Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Blue Jay

Not So Bad
I kind of like the Blue Jays. I think they are a pretty bird, but not on top of my list for sure. I like the Cardinal a lot better, and the finch family, too.

I got a couple of pictures of a Blue Jay who was visiting in our back yard a few days ago. Here he is on top of the bracket that holds the sunflower seed. He’s about 35 feet from me. I’m sitting on the couch and taking this and the next picture through a double pane sliding patio door. (I never guessed they would be any good.)


I adjusted the zoom and took this second picture just as he turns around. He never knew I was anywhere around.


Tennessee Granddaddy Says:
Thinking back…
Beginning in 1957 I registered at the University of Tennessee. My major was accounting. Later I changed my major and graduated with a degree in Business Administration with a Statistics Major.

I enjoyed my college days. I lived at home with Dad, Mom, and my sister. I worked for my Dad in the summer and on weekends to save money for school. Dad was then owner of White Brothers Poultry & Egg Company.

Even earning minimum wage at $1.00/hour, it was pretty easy to save enough for school. I remember tuition was only $75 a quarter ($225/year) and books were very reasonable in those days. Can you imagine?
Even though I was the first person in our family to go to college, I got lots of support from my family.

Quote of the Day
I think the world is run by C students.
~Al McGuire

Joke of the Day


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1 comment:

Karen A. Cooke said...

Hi Jim,
Those photos of the blue jay are great! Yur window must have been very clean for you to have such a clear picture! :) You had better thank Beverly for those clean windows! :) Love ya! Karen