Monday, November 14, 2011

Wonderful Vacation

Crystal River, Florida
We spent a couple of days at the same lodge where we enjoyed our honeymoon 50 years ago. It’s an old fashioned resort right on the river which has not changed much since we were there in 1961. Here’s a few pictures from that area.

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I’ll have more pictures from Florida later this week.

Thanksgiving 2011

I’m beginning to sense that Thanksgiving is not far away. Grandmother and I bought the turkey on Saturday. It’s a big 25 pound bird that I will be wrestling with on Thanksgiving day. Grandmother has made one of those delicious pound cakes in preparation for the big day. It makes me hungry just thinking about it.

I forgot to warn you last week. Yesterday was the 13th. Yes, Friday the 13th fell on a Sunday this month. I hope you did not have any problems.

Tennessee Granddaddy Says:
Go Green - Recycle CONGRESS!!

Quote of the Day
Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.
~Moshe Dayan

Joke of the Day

Attention: New Book Published

Title: Understanding Women

Understanding women

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1 comment:

John White said...

Hi Jim & Beverly, Glad you both are having such a great time down in Florida. It is amazing the place you stayed 50 years ago is still in business. Both my elementary & high school do not exist any more. Looking forward to seeing you at Thanksgiving & eating that turkey.