Friday, November 26, 2010

A Good Day

Thanksgiving 2010
We had the best Thanksgiving ever! We had 19 in our family with us yesterday for an old fashioned Thanksgiving Dinner. We had 3 tables set up to handle everyone. We arranged people by age at the tables. We had a range from 9 to 97 years of age. Here’s the 3 tables:

IMG_0329 IMG_0331
We had a great spread!
Here’s a picture of the whole group.IMG_3489
Tennessee Granddaddy Says:
It is wonderful to have a good family.

Quote of the Day
You can't wait for inspiration.
You have to go after it with a club. 
~Jack London

Joke of the Day

An eighty-year-old man went to his doctor to complain about pain in one knee. The doctor examined it gently and said, "Well, you know that knee is eighty years old. You can't expect too much."

"That's true," the man agreed; "but Doc, so is the other one and it's not bothering me like this one!"


An inebriated man and his drunken friend were sitting at a bar.

“Do you know what time it is?” Asked the drunk.

“Sure,” said the man

“Thanks,” said the drunk.

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Joann said...

What a beautiful family you have!! I'm a follower of your dad's blog, now yours. = ) Looks like you had a wonderful thanksgiving, glad you enjoyed it.


Karen A. Cooke said...

Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving day! Wonderful to see the photo of everyone. Love ya - your cuz' Karen

Dar said...

What a beautiful thing to have a photo moment capturing your lovely family. What a great day.