Wednesday, May 23, 2012


A Couple of Pictures
I really enjoy the wonderful ability we have these days to capture pictures with these fantastic digital cameras. My phone does almost as good a job as my Canon camera, and I have it with me everywhere I go.

Kara and I were comparing our Canon cameras earlier this week. She’s got the best camera! Anyway, here’s a couple of pictures I snapped…

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This is Kara with her new digital camera. She’s very creative, combining her camera work with her artistic skills. This is a flower on our patio, It’s one that we transplanted from some of the flowers we received at the funeral.


Tennessee Granddaddy Says:
A bird sings because it has a song to sing.
We also have songs to sing. 
Songs of praise and thanks.

Quote of the Day
Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. 
~Kahlil Gibran

Joke of the Day

Here’s a comical song and video about aging…

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John White said...

That sure does look like a great camera...maybe Kara would loan it to you occasionally.

Ruby said...
maybe? just a thought