Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Storm was Mighty

A Time and Place for Prayer
Here’s an interesting story that I received from a friend, and it has a good lesson:

A brother worker (one of our preachers) from Scotland who labored in the outer islands, the Shetlands, Orkneys, and the Hybrides, was on his way back to Scotland at the end of the Mission year.

On the boat were several film stars, VIPs. These VIPs were treated with favor. One night they were to sup with the captain, a God-fearing man, who first gave thanks. Several of them by their expressions, mocked him. After the meal and the entertainment they all went to their rooms for the night.

During the night a fierce storm arose, so severe they even tied themselves with ropes to their bunks. Later in the night the VIPs sent a note to the captain: "Will we reach harbor or not?"

The captain replied with a note: " Maybe, maybe not."

Again they sent the Captain a note "Will you come down and pray in the storm?"

The Captain replied, "I pray in the calm, and look after my boat in the storm."

(Do we usually wait for the storm to pray?)

friday13thToday is July 13
Be careful today. Friday the 13th came on Tuesday this month. Watch out for black cats, ladders, and don’t break any mirrors.

Tennessee Granddaddy Says:
Someone said that the only difference between a rut and a grave is the length and depth!
So it would be good to stay out of a rut.
Get on the solid rock.

Quote of the Day
The road to success is dotted with
many tempting parking places.
~Author Unknown

Joke of the Day

A man went on a ski trip and was knocked unconscious by the chair lift. He called his insurance company from the hospital, but it refused to cover his injury.

"Why is the injury not covered"? He asked.

"You got hit in the head by a chair lift," the insurance rep said. "That makes you an idiot and we consider that a pre-existing condition."

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