Tuesday, January 8, 2013

All Going Good

Home Health
Home Health came today to check me over and assist me with my physical therapy. They will come once more this week and 3 times next week. Then it could mean that I will through with “assisted” physical therapy. All of the exercises are pretty easy for me to with the exception of the leg raise. It looks like it’s going to take a few more days to get the strength to do these on my own. It seems all is going in the right direction.

My biggest problem is getting a good night’s sleep. It’s difficult to find a legal sleep position that is comfortable. I’m sure things will get better.

Bragging Time
My Granddaughter, Kara, recently worked on a school project about “Bullying”. She developed this video which was put on YouTube. I thought you might enjoy watching the video which was all done with her Canon camera and her Mac laptop. I was amazed.

Thought of the Day
”Keep going ahead, never quit, don’t ever give up.”

As I was thinking about the above, that old story about the two frogs came into my mind…. Read on:


by T.C. Hamlet

Two frogs fell into a can of cream,
Or so I’ve heard it told;
The sides of the can were shiny & steep,
The cream was deep & cold.

"O, what’s the use?" croaked Number One,
"’Tis fate; no help’s around.
Goodbye, my friends! Goodbye, sad world!"
And weeping still, he drowned.

But Number Two, of sterner stuff,
Dog-paddled in surprise.
The while he wiped his creamy face
And dried his creamy eyes.

"I’ll swim awhile, at least," he said-
Or so I’ve heard he said;
"It really wouldn’t help the world
If one more frog were dead."

An hour or two he kicked & swam,
Not once he stopped to mutter,
But kicked & kicked & swam & kicked,
then hopped out...

via butter!

Joke of the Day
An enterprising journalist decided to get the scoop of the day by photographing the fearsome phantom that lived in the spooky old mansion house at the edge of town.
When he entered the house, armed with only his camera, the ghost descended upon him, moaning and wailing and clanking chains. "I mean no harm; I just want your photograph," the journalist said bravely.

Pleased at this chance to make headlines, the ghost posed for a number of shots, and the happy journalist rushed back to his computer and began uploading the photos. Unfortunately, they turned out to be so underexposed that nothing could be seen in them.

He was distraught, and went to a local pub to drown his sorrows. Meeting his friends there, they asked what was wrong. Not wanting to tell the whole story, he simply explained with a single sentence: "The spirit was willing, but the flash was weak."

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Such a nice post! Glad I discovered your blog. Keep up the good progress!!