A Horse Named Sgt. Reckless
Read about this hero here: Sgt. Reckless Official Site
Check out the video here:
Thanks to my cousin Don for sharing the above with me.
The Fishing Was Good Yesterday We had a great time on the lake yesterday. We finished with our limit of 6 keepers that weighed a total of 27 pounds and 4 ounces. The largest lake trout was 6 1/4 pounds. That stringer was heavy and hard to hold.
We have no more room in the freezer for fish, so I didn’t keep any this trip. Ralph will have the honor of cleaning these fish. I’m sure he will enjoy eating them. They are a good firm fish with nice white meat and they don’t have a strong fishy flavor.
Catching fish is a bonus to the beauty of the landscape. Here’s a scene from the lake showing clouds over the mountain…
Did you know that today is July 1?
Often when we lose hope and think this is the end.
~Author Unknown
Joke of the Day
A man was checking into a hotel when he saw a golden retriever sitting on a rug near the hotel elevator. Talking to the man behind the desk, he asked, "Does your dog bite?"
The attendant said, "No, he doesn't." But as the man let his hand down to pat the dog, it bit his hand and held on so tightly that the man had to throw him across the room.
Returning to the desk, the man said, "I thought you said that your dog didn't bite."
He directed the attendant's attention to the dog, who now had returned to the rug. The attendant simply answered, "My friend that is NOT my dog."
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