Friday, August 15, 2008

One Year Ago Today

My First Entry
I made my
First Entry on August 15, 2007. That was one year ago today. So today is my first year anniversary for being a blogger.

Letchworth State Park

Today we're going south of Rochester to the Letchworth State Park. Check on these links to learn more about this park, which some have called the
Grand Canyon of the East.
  1. NY State Parks
  2. History and Photos
  3. Photos and Maps
Are You an Old Crow?
A few days ago we were in Medina, NY, and we met a very nice family. Two of the sons in this family makes things to sell. This picture shows one of the items. Anyone interested in buying a sign like this to put in your yard? I think Beverly has already placed her order.

Tennessee Granddaddy Says:

Keeping cool means more than lowering the temperature.

Quote of the Day

The idle man does not know what it is to enjoy rest,
for he has not earned it.
~John Lubbock

Joke of the Day
A young lawyer was defending a wealthy businessman in a complicated lawsuit. Unfortunately, the evidence was against his client, and he feared the worst. So the lawyer asked the senior partner of the law firm if it would be appropriate to send the judge a box of Havana cigars.

The partner was horrified. "The judge is an honorable man," the partner exclaimed. "If you do that, I can guarantee you will lose the case!"

Weeks later the judge ruled in favor of the lawyer's client. The partner took him to lunch to congratulate him. "Aren't you glad you didn't send those cigars to the judge?" the partner asked.

"But I did send them, "Replied the lawyer, "I just enclosed the complainant's lawyer's business card!"

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