Saturday, January 3, 2009

Get Healthy

In 2009
The first full week of the new year will begin tomorrow. Then on Monday, that’s the first Monday in January, I will begin to continue my resolutions from last year.

I resolve to continue to improve my health through a healthy diet and exercise. I plan to weigh in on Monday morning and monitor my weight daily throughout the year. My goal for weight loss in 2009 is 40 pounds! My goal for exercise is 4-5 hours per week of cardio exercise on the elliptical trainer or stationary bicycle. In addition, I will continue a regiment of weights 3 days a week. Beginning next week I’ll keep you posted on my progress on my other blog: Diet Scoreboards

I’ll also use the Diet Scoreboards to share an occasional health tip or some other information related to healthy living. I will be posting 3-4 times a month on that blog.

A few pictures from 2008

My daughter Bethany visited us at Thanksgiving. We missed her during Christmas, but she had to return to work in New York. P1050104
Here’s my granddaughter, Mandy, with Sylvia, her Mother. P1050144
My son Kevin with his lovely wife, Lesley, and their children Kara and Zachary. (I don’t know the name of the photographer, but she did a great job on this and the next picture) klkz1
Here’s Zachary and Kara, my two grandchildren who live in Kingsport kz2
A nice picture of South Holston Lake taken in December, 2008, by my friend Darnell. The water level in the lake looks to be much improved due to the rain we had last month. Dec end 09 029
Some pretty holly berries I noticed the other day while we were at the Post Office in Colonial Heights. FosterHolly

Tennessee Granddaddy Says:
You can always pray for someone when you don't have the ability to help him in some natural way... and that is the best help anyway.

Quote of the Day
One resolution I have made, and try always to keep,
is this:  To rise above the little things. 
~John Burroughs

Joke of the Day

A young lady was driving through a built-up area at about 70 mph when she noticed a motorcycle policeman on her tail. She increased her speed to 80 mph but the cop hung grimly on her tail.

She put her foot down and pushed the car up to 90, drawing rapidly away from her pursuer.

Suddenly she saw a garage up ahead and with a squeal of brakes she pulled up in the forecourt and dashed into the ladies' toilet.

Five minutes later she emerged to find the motor-cycle policeman waiting for her. With a sweet smile she said, 'I bet you thought I'd never make it in time.'

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betty said...

good health goals for the new year Jim!! I know you can do that; 40 pounds is less than a pound a week; certainly doable; just cut back a bit every day and you'll have it made! I'm right with you; starting back on healthier eating come Monday to shed about 20 pounds

good luck with your program!

loved the pictures of your family


Lynne said...

Love the photos, beautiful family! I hope you will meet your goals for improved health. I also have a blog tracking my weight loss mission. I will have to check yours out for the tips. God Bless!